Killraven (31st Century)


  • Real Name: Jonathan Raven
  • AKA: K.R. (M’Shulla’s nickname), Mr. Killraven (Old Skull’s nickname),Mud-Brother (common address between gladiators)
  • Family: Maureen Raven (mother, deceased); Joshua Raven (Deathraven) (brother, deceased)
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6′1″ (1.85 m)
  • Weight: 185 lbs (83.91 kg)
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Red
  • Unusual Feature: Killraven has a large scar across his forehead as a result of Keeper Whitman’s experimentation; he does not like to be reminded of that time, and usually keeps the scar hidden by his headband.
  • Origin: Human altered by experiments under the supervision of Keeper Whitman
  • Universe: Marvel Prime Universe (Earth-616)
  • Identity: Public
  • Citizenship: British
  • Occupation: Freedom fighter, former gladiator
  • Education: –
  • Base of Operation: Mobile

Tom Cruise is a punk compared to this guy. Introduced in Amazing Adventures (Vol. 2) #18 by Roy ThomasNeal AdamsGerry Conway and Howard Chaykin, Jonathon Raven was born a year before Earth was attacked and conquered by Martians. When he was six, his mother was killed and his brother, Joshua, was forced to work for the Martians as an Exterminator. Jonathon was forced to train and compete in gladiatorial combat, earning the nickname, Killraven. He tried to escape but was sent to a rehabilitation center where he was experimented on by Keeper Whitman. Whitman hated the Martians and gave Killraven the abilities to fight back. Killraven was sent back to the arena without his memories of the center. After defeating the ultimate gladiator with his friend Old Skull, he led a rebellion against the Martians, freeing New York from their control and the alien’s collaborators. Leading the rebels across America, he journeyed to Florida where he was reunited with his brother, who the Martians had turned into Deathraven. Killraven battled him but had no choice but to kill his brother.

After a time-crossed adventure with Spider-man (Prime Universe), he was approached by Earth-X X-51’s Heralds team. He and Deathlok of Earth-7484 were sent to Earth-1124, which was ruled over by Sat-Yr9. She took interest in Killraven and he gave into her seductions remaining on her world. He would return to the Heralds when they battled rogue Watchers. While remaining with the Heralds, he would encounter the GOTG 3000, who were sent back in time by Mephisto. He then discovered that they are from the same time, which gave him hope for the future of his universe. Using this as motivation, he returned to his home reality to battle the Martians. When Kang broke the timeline, Killraven was brought to the Prime universe, where he aided the Avengers against Kang. He was later found by Winter Soldier in a mental asylum in London.

Possible Figures

  • Which has the best chance of being made? – Killraven is one of those obscure that if we do get him, we will only get one. As for which version we could get, the classic version is the most obvious choice. None of the rest are “toyetic” as that.
  • How can it be made? – This is easy to make hard to place. This could easily be done using the Vulcan mold with some new parts. As to where to place it, that is a lot harder. GOTG seems to be the most likely place, but he doesn’t really follow the cosmic theme as that line is known for. (Yes, he was from a world ravaged by aliens but not a space character.) He could be an exclusive some place, but he isn’t really a character stores would want, even for Fan Channels.




Universe: 31st Century / GOTG 3000 (Earth-691) | Prime Universe (Earth-616)