

  • Real Name: Unknown
  • AKA:
  • Family: –
  • Base of Operation: Formerly Reavers’ base, Australian Outback
  • Identity: Secret
  • Citizenship:
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Occupation: Terrorist; mercenary; assassin
  • Education: –
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 4′6″ (1.37 m)
  • Weight: 410 lbs (185.97 kg) (186 kg)
  • Eyes:
  • Hair: White
  • Unusual Feature: Bonebreaker has had his legs replaced with a motorized chassis that drives on tank treads. He later replaced the chassis with a set of spider-like legs.
  • Origin: Human Cyborg
  • Universe: Marvel Prime Universe (Earth-616)

He is a guy with a tank for legs. Introduced in Uncanny X-Men #229 (1988) by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri, not much is known about him before he became a cyborg, but it is believed that he was once a guard at the Hellfire club that lost his legs when Wolverine went berserk in order to save his friend from the Inner Circle. Donald Pierce recruited him and transformed him into a cyborg like the rest of the Reavers. He joined the team when they track and capture Wolverine, beating and crucifying him.

He was later killed by Sentinels sent by Fitzroy but would have his mind uploaded to a new body. He was among the Reavers, when they were hired to hunt down Wolverine’s body and would later been seen searcher for him again after he was revived. At some point he would swap out the tank for Spider-legs but would return to the tank soon after.

Bonebreaker is one of the few members of the Reavers to get a figure as part of Toybiz old 5″ X-men line. Dwight Stall of the Marvel Hasbro team has always said his favorite villains’ team was the Reavers and when Skullbuster/Reeves was revealed, many asked if the first Reaver would be Bonebreaker made. Dwight teased that he would eventually be, they just needed to think of how to release him. During December’s 2021 Livestream, they revealed that he would be a BAF in his own self-titled wave.

Original/ Outback

Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends X-men Bonebreaker wave – Bonebreaker (BAF)

  • Background:
    • Bonebreaker has a rather unique design with his leg being replaced with a tanklike machine. He also sported a white mohawk, which was the style during the 80’s. It is his most common appearance and has been drawn differently by different artist.
  • Why you need it for your collection?:
    • This is a character you will need for your Reavers team, no if or buts. He is one of the most famous members. It can also be got for a general Wolverine or X-men villains.
  • Does it need a remake?:
    • No. 


Below you will find a gallery of suits that still need to be made. Please let me know if I have missed anything.



Universe: Prime Universe (Earth-616)