Team Building – Mutant Liberation Front

Hey, my fellow Plastic Addicts. Every team needs a counterpart. The Avengers have the Masters, the F4 have the Frightful Four and the X-men have the Brotherhood. For the New Mutants (and later X-force) their counterpart seems to be the MLF or Mutant Liberation Front. We have quite a few members of them, but they are mostly characters that were part of a different team, like Moonstar or Banshee. We haven’t really gotten any of the core members of the team, except Zero and Stryfe. Now that’s not to say we won’t get them. Tempo has exploded in popularity since the Krakoa days and Forearm is a character that has been requested by fans for ages. There is of course Feral, but let’s face it that is coming. The rest can be wave fillers but some of them have low to no chance of being made.

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